
A Wolf Supermoon for the New Year

January 1, 2018,
Claire Montanaro

I do not believe in coincidences, seeing instead any special synchronicity such as this as having a powerful message to help us, personally and collectively, in the new cycle that is about to unfold. It is the second of three sequential Supermoons, the third falling on 31st January – a “Blue Moon” – and I am reminded of the three full moons in April, May and June that are the highlight of the spiritual calendar, and which are the Easter Moon, Wesak, and the Christ Festival. Is today’s moon a reminder to us of the solemn day when Buddha returns to Earth to greet and bless us? Is there work for us to do? The January Full Moon is known by shamans as the Wolf Moon, some say because the wolves howled around their settlements in the bitter snows of harsh American winters, but it is more likely because it was a time of ritual and preparation for the year to come, and invoking the power of the wolf was important. Wolves, symbolically, are a key way to find the deepest, most hidden aspects of our being, our intuition and our knowing; they are our teachers and they show us the way. When the wolf is seen howling at the moon, he or she is invoking the mystery of Mother Moon to give to us, just as the great spiritual Masters invoke Buddha at Wesak to help us and our world. We have much to be grateful for, and it is sad we have forgotten the gifts of unseen forces, like the power wolf, who work constantly on our behalf. At this time of the Full Moon, a remarkable Supermoon, you may wish to remember the shamans who today and tomorrow will weave magic through their rites, working in three worlds with animals and gods, and all the powers of nature, including especially the wolf in order to prepare for the year to come. They will not try to change our karma or our destiny, but they will ask for the help of the spiritual allies to bring what is best for the Planet, and humanity. You may wish to reach out to your own power animal and helpers in Spirit, in thanks and prayer, too. I wish you a year that is filled with blessing and love, with learning and growth, with peace and fulfilment. The veils dissolve, and now we start to see.     [byline]]]>

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I am a spiritual teacher, channel and writer with a special interest in esoteric philosophy and the world in transition, who loves nature and wildlife.  My aim is to help your human and soul journey through spiritual wisdom, spiritual connection and the raising of consciousness.

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