

The Inlumino Global Spiritual Blog

A Journey through the Underworld at Wesak

We are so lucky to be alive now.   It is a period of importance, when every moment sees the great pendulum of transformation swing down in measured rhythm, ticking down the time to the end of the world as it has been for thousands of years, waiting to start its upward movement of new life.
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The Supportive Hand of God

It is sobering to consider how far the movement of cosmic energy corresponds with what happens in our human world.  I wonder sometimes if our lives are a shadowy, illusory reflection of the immense complexity of divine design or, more prosaically, a physical reality influenced by the position of celestial bodies.  The truth may be […]
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A Kingfisher's Story

The great River Wye, the spiritual spine of Wales, is running at its highest now after weeks of ceaseless rain, and it is close to breaching the top of the bridge that links my village to the rest of the world.  The water meadow opposite my home, once part of an extensive river-sea, glows silver […]
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The Time of Revelation

The autumn fogs hang heavy over the bare limbs of the trees that surround my home, shrouding the mountains and also the water meadows that stretch beyond the great River Wye in front of my windows, the reminder of the time when most of Wales – far further south then than it is today - […]
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COP27: Why Fight with God?

Above the drumbeat of heavy news and dire predictions, nature serenely fulfils her promise of seasonal change and evolution as she has done for all time; whatever the time of year she brings beauty and colour and light, encouraging us to rise above the man-made fear and negative anticipation which holds us down and darkens […]
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October Messages

The month of October this year is accelerating like a car that is out of control:  only the world of nature is acting with autumn consistency.    As we watch the onslaught of strange events it helps to remember that, in our humanity, we cannot stop time nor events that are pre-determined, particularly if it is […]
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An Equinox of Light and Shadow

As the Equinox approaches, the time of true and total balance, the paradox of choice between confusion and clarity is stark.   This is our betwixt and between time where we sit between weeds and flowers, reality and illusion.   The hard part is recognising what is the weed and what is not, for all weeds […]
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Leo, and Taking a Stand

Esoteric philosophy and your experience tells you that the voice and energy of Leo is loud and commanding, calling you to listen and to see.  August is Leo’s time, and this month in this year he is stronger than ever, and he speaks to you with urgency.
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Letting Go

We human beings can be obstinate, clinging on to familiar patterns and habits and people because of fear of change, perhaps also out of inertia and a reluctance to give up something we prize.  Letting go can be hard.
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Dandelions at Wesak

Many weeds are despised for being untidy and unworthy of a neat garden, just as people are judged too often by their appearance or apparent insignificance.  For some gardeners, plants that appear naturally and from nowhere are unwelcome guests that must be sprayed or pulled without consideration for what good they may bring with them, […]
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