

The Inlumino Global Spiritual Blog

Healing Schism

At this time of explosive change when anything can happen, Sunday’s Full Moon marks a dramatic challenge to us to move from self-absorption to extrospection, but without abandoning the key spiritual principle of self-acceptance.  With unworried but clear-sighted understanding of the world beyond us we can help to mend the fractures that are everywhere, even […]
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Christ Consciousness, now

You are the key to the ascension of the Planet and the transition of humanity; it is who you are and what you do and how you do it which will determine how far the Plan of God is allowed to develop.  The reality you create will determine the structure of the next dimension, the […]
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A Journey through the Underworld at Wesak

We are so lucky to be alive now.   It is a period of importance, when every moment sees the great pendulum of transformation swing down in measured rhythm, ticking down the time to the end of the world as it has been for thousands of years, waiting to start its upward movement of new life.
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A Kingfisher's Tale

Outside my home the River Wye falls steeply into its valley, cascading noisily as it does so over great and ancient stones on the river bed, reminders of the seas and ice that once covered this land.  The river, at this point in the Upper Wye Valley is never still and always vocal as it […]
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Lessons from a Mole

For three wet days, a mole ran up and down the soggy drive looking for food and gathering nesting material, her tunnel flooded but a nest needed.  Creatures of the dark, moles only rarely emerge into the light.
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Travellers of the Fields

Many wonders come with winter, among them bird visitors such as redwing, waxwing, and fieldfares sweeping across our cold skies in search of fruits and berries.
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The Supportive Hand of God

It is sobering to consider how far the movement of cosmic energy corresponds with what happens in our human world.  I wonder sometimes if our lives are a shadowy, illusory reflection of the immense complexity of divine design or, more prosaically, a physical reality influenced by the position of celestial bodies.  The truth may be […]
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The Cross behind the Equinox

When you think about the Equinox, it may be you see it as the time when, twice a year in March and September, the hours of day and night are equal.  It is more than that.
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A rare Blue Supermoon

Look to the skies on Wednesday if you can, and be witness to a remarkable Full Moon, Blue Moon and Supermoon.  Not only will it be the second full moon in a month, but the Moon will be at her closest to Earth for the year and at her brightest:  it will be 9 years […]
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It is no coincidence that questions about integrity and principles are preoccupying the public at all levels in the UK, the USA and many other countries besides as revelations about public figures and public bodies emerge shockingly: virtue signallers are proving to be not so virtuous, and more scandal is to come yet.
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