
Death of a Dark Master

May 2, 2011,
Claire Montanaro

Each Master which is of the Light is balanced by a Master of the Dark.

Just as, at times of great significance for our planet, certain Masters of the Light will take human form in order to help the process of transformation, so too do their opposite numbers whose intent is prevent the spiritual transition to a state of grace for reasons of power. This is one of those times, and those people who try to maintain the status quo of selfish materialism or world chaos for their own purposes are being influenced often without their knowledge by the Dark Masters, in body or working from another dimension.

When I first saw a picture of Osama bin Laden I was struck by the beauty of his face and his eyes in particular, which had an extraordinary depth to them. He could have been a great spiritual teacher from any age, and it was unsurprising to me that this charismatic man inspired so many to follow him even onto a path of hatred and destruction. It might have been otherwise, and if he had followed a path of light he could have achieved much to help the progression of humanity - but he did not.

At one time, aeons ago, he belonged to the Brotherhood of Light but like other fallen angels chose another way. His actions in this lifetime have helped to polarise the world between negativity and all the aspects of ego and an approach of altruism and kindness, and so he has brought us, each of us, to our own place of choice. Some good comes from everything, even the deepest darkness.

The soul that was bin Laden has much to do now, and the choice for it is if and when to return to the Path of Light. The opportunity is always there however lost the soul may be. Meanwhile, while the cosmic game of chess between light and dark continues, for now, I know that a dark master cannot be stronger than the Light, and I have no fear of the dark.


Further spiritual teachings are available in Claire Montanaro's book Spiritual Wisdom


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I am a spiritual teacher, channel and writer with a special interest in esoteric philosophy and the world in transition, who loves nature and wildlife.  My aim is to help your human and soul journey through spiritual wisdom, spiritual connection and the raising of consciousness.


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