

February 10, 2011,
Claire Montanaro

The Masters spoke of the true meaning of Power in the channelling I recorded yesterday.

They talked of how focusing on empowerment can act as a distraction, and that the way to achieve power in the spiritual sense is through being, doing our best rather than through a conscious effort to be more dynamic or successful in the world.

I am paraphrasing Their words and there was a lot more from Them on the subject besides, but it has made me ponder on what we mean when we speak of empowerment, or coming into our power. They are phrases I have used often myself in the past, and I see now that they can be misleading and even meaningless.

It is only the third dimensional, material aspect of power manifesting as authority and visible achievement that we can acquire through external effort. If it comes about naturally it is a different matter: Nelson Mandela, for example, became a powerful world leader and statesman not because he wanted it but because he wanted the best for his country and his people and was selfless as well as effective in trying to bring this about.

Each of us has our own power and it comes from what is within us, heart, soul and Spirit. Thinking about it comes from ego; gentle awareness and acceptance of it, however it manifests, is a key principle of being and crucial for our onward journey.


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I am a spiritual teacher, channel and writer with a special interest in esoteric philosophy and the world in transition, who loves nature and wildlife.  My aim is to help your human and soul journey through spiritual wisdom, spiritual connection and the raising of consciousness.


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