We notice the Sun when it is, we perceive, a problem, when there is too much or too little of it, when it burns us and the ground, when it disappears behind rain clouds for weeks at a time, and when its fire affects the weather in ways we do not like. We complain about it, directly or indirectly when nature does not go the way we wish it to go, and just occasionally we notice its warmth and blessings before we take it for granted again.
So often we fail to see how much of a friend the Sun is, and also a teacher. It gives us light and the stuff of life, it enables our food and the survival of our planet and, if we had the will and the common sense, it could give us endless, infinite and free energy. Why do we forget this? Why do we not, from time to time, remember to give thanks to the source of our life? In years gone by, many centuries ago, the Sun was honoured daily as it rose and went down, celebrated for the gifts it gave and much loved. It was seen as a companion as well as a god, a protector and a great blessing. We have forgotten so much.
As the power of the Sun increases, as the Sun reminds us of its presence through ever more vivid solar flare activity, it will be increasingly important to be aware of its place in our lives and its significance, to include it in our consciousness with respect and acceptance for whatever it gives us. Cooperation is far better than confrontation or resistance, and an attitude of active inclusiveness, and love, for the Sun will reap great rewards.]]>
Thanks, Claire, for the comparison and contrast. It begs the question of a materialistic society, no?
Indeed it does, thank you - and of choices to do with awareness and willful blindness as well as altruism and selfishness. Good lessons always around us!