
Wesak, and Buddha’s Return

April 25, 2018,
Claire Montanaro

It is the time that for many is the pinnacle of the spiritual year, the time when Buddha comes briefly to earth to give the blessing of God to the people of earth and to take away the love of those people for God and for Spirit. It is the time when our spirituality can truly celebrate and be celebrated. It is the time of coming together and it is a time that is truly wonderful. You may know the legend about the annual return of Buddha to a high Himalayan plateau in Tibet, where all spiritual disciples from the Christ to the most newly awoken are gathered to receive in ancient ritual His blessing on behalf of God, and His love. It is a beautiful, evocative story that takes place at an inter-dimensional level and relates to soul and Spirit, but has ramifications for us in our humanity too. At the time of Wesak, as Buddha approaches Earth, the energies change and become heightened, purified through spiritual stimulation. The potency of Wesak can change us markedly, strengthening our intuition and assisting the journey to enlightenment, and to bhuddahood. Wesak also is about remembering the Light and using the Light to help the world through love and dedication, a commitment to the human and spiritual community of souls. It is about going beyond ourselves to see the truth, as the detached observer, with compassion for the frailties of man, and each of us ourselves. It is about connecting with the energy of Buddha as He allows this momentary opportunity. It is about going beyond our soul to find Spirit within and without us, and it is about remembering why we are on Earth now. A busy mind makes the gifts of Wesak impossible to receive, and so if you wish to honour Wesak, do so through the silence and the stillness that bring you peace of mind. As you sit in your silence, you may wish to remember the great ritual that is taking place in Tibet, and your part in it, and you may wish to honour the blessing of Buddha, bestowed upon you and all enlightened souls at this time of grace and giving. This year, the Wesak Full Moon, the time of the return of Buddha, is at 0058 GMT on Monday 30th April.     [byline]]]>

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I am a spiritual teacher, channel and writer with a special interest in esoteric philosophy and the world in transition, who loves nature and wildlife.  My aim is to help your human and soul journey through spiritual wisdom, spiritual connection and the raising of consciousness.

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