
Wikileaks: Time for Change

November 30, 2010,
Claire Montanaro

The Wikileaks publications continue to reverberate around the world, providing embarrassment, entertainment and life-lessons depending on your point of view.

Good comes from any situation, and these revelations must be causing many world leaders, officials and public figures to ponder on the impact of them on their reputations and modus operandi.  While the spotlight is on the United States' actions, it is likely that injudicious political judgment and questionable motivation and practice are endemic in many other countries also, and that as a result a widespread diplomatic soul-searching exercise is under way. 

Change will come from this, and if what we read is correct, then change will be welcome, if it brings with it more transparency and honesty. This is a time of test and opportunity: let us hope our world leaders see it as such, and do something admirable to strengthen what is good and remove what is undesirable from our national and global foreign affairs' processes and conduct. Now is the time and the chance.

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I am a spiritual teacher, channel and writer with a special interest in esoteric philosophy and the world in transition, who loves nature and wildlife.  My aim is to help your human and soul journey through spiritual wisdom, spiritual connection and the raising of consciousness.


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