
A New Solar Eclipse, and the Song of Spirit

February 24, 2017,
Claire Montanaro

This next eclipse marks the end of a major two year cycle, when you have been challenged by a calling to focus on the external, or on surrendering to Spirit. The cycle and the choices can be seen to be the summation of the human experience, and indeed of the transition of the Planet to her higher place: it is about separation, duality, and peace of being. Solar EclipseFor you, “the external” involves further choices – choice between your human needs and desires, and your service to others. To care for your body is good, of course, but when self-absorption takes the place of a healthy lifestyle, and excessive materialism replaces modest sufficiency, then service becomes relegated to lip service or less. Ideally, the choice relating to your external is a merger of the best aspects of living life and helping where you can. It is doing your best for yourself and your world, with pleasure in so-doing and gratitude for the opportunity. The “internal” choice that has confronted you starkly for two years is, by being ephemeral, something that has been overlooked easily, particularly if the external drivers in your psyche been dominant. The call of Spirit is insistent but subtle, loud but inaudible if you do not wish to hear. The distraction and attraction of being human make it easy to forget that the purpose of being alive on Earth is to grow spiritually through the experience of the external. The grace of the gift of life is humbling, but some see it as their right, and their right to abuse it if they wish – and many do. As the eclipse on Sunday brings this cycle of material and spiritual challenge to an end, you may wish to reflect on what in your own personal world is finishing? It may be a relationship, or an attitude, a pattern of behaviour… may be minor or very significant. You may choose to ignore it altogether but, I promise you, that will not stop the onward journey of your soul, nor the song of Spirit calling in your ear.   (Image by Carleton Watkins via Wikimedia Commons)     [byline]  ]]>

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I am a spiritual teacher, channel and writer with a special interest in esoteric philosophy and the world in transition, who loves nature and wildlife.  My aim is to help your human and soul journey through spiritual wisdom, spiritual connection and the raising of consciousness.

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