
The Seven Rays

“Representing the qualities and attributes of God”

The Seven Rays

The Seven Rays represent the qualities and attributes of God. They are bands of energy which influence each of us negatively or positively, strongly or mildly depending on our ray make-up, the nature of our soul and our divine purpose. It is part of our human purpose to strengthen our ray aspects and to use them wisely for our service.

The Seven Rays are:

1. Ray of Power (colour: red)
2. Ray of Wisdom (colour: blue)
3. Ray of Clarity (colour: yellow)
4  Ray of Harmony (colour: green)
5. Ray of Intellect (colour: orange)
6. Ray of Mysticism (colour: indigo)
7. Ray of Order (colour: violet)

The Rays are discussed in detail in my book, Spiritual Wisdom. 

Courses on the Rays -  what they mean, their purpose, how to identify your Ray template, and how to work with them - are offered too. Our latest course is a new 3-part Audio Course on the 7 Rays that can be bought and downloaded here. Each session lasts an hour.

Seven Crystal Elixirs to strengthen the qualities of the Rays in you according to your Ray pattern are available.  The Elixirs include essences for Power (Ray 1), Wisdom (Ray 2 - the Christ Elixir), Clarity (Ray 3), Harmony (Ray 4) Intellect and Revelation (Ray 5), and Mysticism (Ray 6).  Additionally, we have the Buddha Elixir, which is for Compassion.

An Elixir for Ray 7, the Elixir of Alchemy, is our latest and very special essence.

Seven Ray Oracle Cards created by us are also available to purchase. A set of seven Ray cards, one for each Ray, summarises the qualities of each Ray and is an indispensible aide-memoire if you are interested in knowing more about them and working with them to help your own soul journey.

A talk on the Cosmic Rays given by me at the College of Psychic Studies and recorded is on CD, and can be bought through our Shop.


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