
Bats and Climate Change

July 2, 2012,
Claire Montanaro

I was reminded of their difficulties through a letter I received from the Bat Conservation Trust, of which I am a member, on Saturday, in which they wrote graphically of the many reports they were receiving from the public about bats in need of help and asking for financial help to provide the support required. I was saddened to read confirmation of what I had suspected, and my concern was reinforced when I found a tiny baby bat dead on my office floor having crawled through a slit in the chimney wall and become stranded. Because I love all our fellow-creatures, it is easy for me to get caught up in their suffering and I have to work hard to detach from emotion, which serves neither them nor me, when they are in trouble and I can do little to help them. I know that this is nature’s way, and that some summers cause species to reduce while others which are more balmy will enable numbers to expand again. I know too that as part of Gaia’s transition we are coming into a period which will be like a mini-ice age, true climate change, when we will experience extremes of weather concentrated into wind and water and cool temperatures with occasional flashes of thundery heat: this summer is extraordinary in many parts of the world for floods and fiery heatwaves, and, with winter weather also becoming polarised, the trend will continue as a result of increasingly forceful solar activity. Nature will adapt to the changing conditions, and man will have to do the same. So, I intend to be realistic and not sentimental about the creatures I love and which may need help. I have sealed the cracks in the chimney, prepared a bat box for any starving bats I may find, and have responded to the funding appeal from the main bat charity. Last night, at dusk, I stood outside my house and watched the mother-bats fly out from their maternity roost, which is in the tall chimney I have referred to, to feed on bugs under the trees in order to make the milk they need for their babies – one each only every year. I counted 106 in a half hour and was pleased: our bat population seems healthy despite or perhaps even because of the conditions. Sometimes nature is stronger than she appears, and I know I must accept, not judge.]]>

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I am a spiritual teacher, channel and writer with a special interest in esoteric philosophy and the world in transition, who loves nature and wildlife.  My aim is to help your human and soul journey through spiritual wisdom, spiritual connection and the raising of consciousness.

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