
Changing Clocks, and The Illusion of Time

October 29, 2013,
Claire Montanaro

It is remarkable how the illusion that is time has been demonstrated in the few days since British summer time ended and our clocks went back an hour. Only an hour......and yet, when I remember how it was a week ago, it as if there had been no change of time, the difference is so great that it is as if three months have passed: I wake at the same time as before but now there is no light; the sun comes up much later and night arrives much sooner; bats are flying when a week ago they were long in their roosts; and the badgers snuffle through the garden much earlier than they did three days ago, before we lost an hour. The small, steady daily reduction in daylight does not explain the difference I sense all around me, nor does the false change in our British time. [caption id="attachment_2160" align="alignright" width="150"]The illusion of time The illusion of time?[/caption] Perhaps it is to do with perception and expectation? Like you, perhaps, when the clocks change I feel nostalgia for another summer gone, and start to think about the nights drawing in, wood fires and home-made soup, candles in the evening and drawn curtains, hot water bottles and Christmas round the corner. It may be that my anticipation of all that winter brings causes me to see my environment as I imagine it to be at this time of year and not in its true reality, changing the appearance of time to accord with how I feel. If I asked someone nearby if they have noticed an unusual change in time, they might react with some derision at the idea. Perhaps it is just my illusion. But time as we understand it is an illusion anyway, and it may be that we can make time whatever we want or imagine it to be. If we accept this concept then we are, at last, moving to spiritual time, when the only time there is, is the present time. How wonderful, and liberating, that would be.   [byline]    ]]>

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I am a spiritual teacher, channel and writer with a special interest in esoteric philosophy and the world in transition, who loves nature and wildlife.  My aim is to help your human and soul journey through spiritual wisdom, spiritual connection and the raising of consciousness.


2 comments on “Changing Clocks, and The Illusion of Time”

  1. G'day, Claire!
    The changing of the seasons affects us all. Trite as it may seem to say it, it does indeed affect us. The question that comes to mind here is one that has to do with the Winter Solstice last year: How has the energy associated witht that solstice affected us all and our perceptions of time?

    1. Thank you, William - and an excellent question. I believe the energy of the winter solstice has triggered, or augmented, an acceleration of time and our changing perception of it. I feel almost breathless:-)

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