
Human Trafficking – A Sad Soul Learning

October 18, 2012,
Claire Montanaro

Indeed, only immature or dark souls, anywhere, perpetrate the cruelty that is associated with physical and emotional abuse, whether it is paedophilia, cruelty to animals, domestic violence, murder, or human trafficking: the first lesson for dormant souls preparing to awaken is about physicality and the excesses associated with it which can express themselves in over-eating or drinking, fighting, brutality or worse. I thought about this as I heard reports about the rise in the numbers of people being trafficked into the UK by crime gangs in young emerging countries such as Nigeria, Vietnam and in Eastern Europe. Men, women and children are bribed or forced into modern day slavery involving labour or prostitution or even for their body parts, and it is believed about 21m people a year worldwide are victims. It seems extraordinary that in this era of transparency and “fairness” such an ancient form of inhumanity can persist still, but it is an indication of how many souls are choosing or needing to experience the tests of the First Initiation – learning respect, kindness and balance for the human vehicle, the container for the soul. It is not just the abusers who are learning, but the sufferers too. Understanding the wider spiritual reasons for the cruelty of human cruelty does not mean we can excuse or turn our backs on abhorrent practices such as human trafficking. Every one of us has a responsibility to some degree for all that occurs in our world, and to have compassion, at least, for those who learn these hard lessons and teach us through what they do, will help them, and us too.  ]]>

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I am a spiritual teacher, channel and writer with a special interest in esoteric philosophy and the world in transition, who loves nature and wildlife.  My aim is to help your human and soul journey through spiritual wisdom, spiritual connection and the raising of consciousness.

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