Now, as I write, and for the month to come, our world finds itself in one of those key transitional stages as a long, long era ends. It is no coincidence that unusual heatwaves beat upon many lands with further crescendo in temperature to come, literally and metaphorically also; storms may follow to break the heat, and they will be welcome, whatever form they take. Events, meanwhile, may occur to epitomise a change of planetary rhythm and to enable the birthing of something completely new.

The winds of change blow away the fog of illusion which has obscured your view and inhibited your growth in so many ways and for so very long, and it may seem strange to see clearly at last. It is important to not resist the truth but to accept the new reality as it manifests itself for you, knowing it is what you have awaited for ever, and that it is good. The change may be within you or without you – it will differ for everyone – and for some it will be major, for others it will be more subtle, but it will be there.
This month, watch the world with interest, and see how it is affected by its endings and beginnings as a cycle dies and comes to life again in a new form. Look for opportunities to take you forward, too, as you leave the past behind and embrace a future based on light and love, and the joy of being human. And remember, above all, that all is very well.