The energy of the Fourth Ray is directly connected with the coming of the new era of spiritual magnificence on earth, and indeed it is the ray which governs our planet and so the ray is significant both for her and for us as her guardians. It is known as the Ray of Harmony through Conflict, which is about moving from old patterns of thinking and behaving into a new manner of living and being centred on principles of kindness and peace and an appreciation of all that is beautiful and harmonious.
Moving from old ways into the new can be painful, at every level, and we are witnessing the expression of these challenges in war, aggression, self-centredness, fear and tumultuous reminders from nature. Recognising that only good will come from these external disturbances helps us to understand and cope with what is occurring in this time of transition - and this is where the Fourth Ray Crystal Essence can help.
I made the Essence at the time, exactly, of the New Moon in Leo when the astrological focus is upon self-perception, discernment and self-mastery. This Essence is very special: it includes blessed water from Lourdes; I used also a fragment of leaf from the Bodhi tree under which Lord Buddha received enlightenment; and three petals from a deep red rose of peace in the making of it. An ancient knife used in American-Indian shamanic ritual was part of the making-ceremony also, as a symbol of how weapons of war can become instruments of healing.
The keywords for this Crystal Essence are Creativity, Beauty and Harmony. Using it can strengthen these qualities within you and help you to move through challenges in your life and to assist your transition from what was to what is. It is about transformation and rebirth, vision and grace, and it is very powerful.
It can be taken orally or dropped on land or water also or used on any place or person that is experiencing difficulty or upset or who carries karmic residues of past sadness.
Dosage: Two drops only under the tongue twice daily.
Ingredients: Blessed water from Lourdes, brandy, crystal essence, plant essence. 15ml.
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