
ReSource 2012 Conference: Opportunities from Nature

July 12, 2012,
Claire Montanaro

That statement sounds twisted does it not? Particularly said by me, who has commented for years on how the human race is depleting our beautiful planet’s natural wealth such as in minerals and water through unnecessary consumerism and over-population. It is my belief still that, rather like the child who deliberately eats so much chocolate she makes herself sick, we continue to strip Gaia of her clothes and blood without thinking about the consequences – indeed, often not caring about them. We have done so much damage to our world in the last hundred years….but I believe in the principle of acceptance and know that blame and regret for what is done is pointless: the need now is to look to the present with realism and determine what needs to be done about. That, I hope, is what the Oxford conference this week will do. 250 of the great and the good among our leaders and thinkers are coming together on the basis that our demands on resources are unsustainable and that the world will run out of what we need for survival, let alone materialistic pleasure, soon, perhaps within decades. Based on that premise, they will consider seriously how a new, realistic way of thinking and planning by corporates (who depend on these resources) in conjunction with scientists and governments can create a successful global economy based on efficient and profitable use of these natural gifts which enhance them rather than destroying them. It could be very exciting: lack of investment has held back development of alternative energy technology on a large scale, and if our major companies and investors were to see the benefits for them of sponsoring research and development and of changing their production methods, for example, or their dependence on old-fashioned energy sources, it could be a win-win situation for everybody, including Gaia. This ReSource 2012 Conference would not be taking place if there was not a serious problem over dwindling natural resources. We have chosen to strip Earth and reach this state – but now we have the opportunity to rectify our mistakes and rebalance our relationship with her. This, again, is karma in action, and I hope, this time, that we get it right.]]>

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I am a spiritual teacher, channel and writer with a special interest in esoteric philosophy and the world in transition, who loves nature and wildlife.  My aim is to help your human and soul journey through spiritual wisdom, spiritual connection and the raising of consciousness.

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