
Super Tuesday: Money Talks - Too Much?

March 7, 2012,
Claire Montanaro

Money talked yesterday, and money had much to do with Mitt Romney's narrow success in Ohio, and four other states. It is claimed he spent twelve million dollars in two weeks on advertising and that it was his ability to hire the best professionals and platforms that won him those votes. Rick Santorum, his nearest rival as presidential candidate, lacked the ability to spend but despite that was able to win three states and almost took Ohio. It is said that Americans who take their politics seriously voted for Santorum, while those Republicans who are more on auto-pilot were swayed by the expensive Romney packaging. Money has been at the heart of politics for years, and not just in the United States, and it has become the value of choice for our global society. It would be a pity but unsurprising if someone was appointed to an important role of leadership and power as a result of their financial wealth rather than their beliefs and intent; watching from the sidelines, I am amazed that such disparity of opportunity is allowed to prevail, and so blatantly, for ultimately it is the American people who are disadvantaged by an electoral funding system apparently without limitation, not just the poorer candidates. The campaigning continues, and it is interesting that despite all his investment Romney is only narrowly ahead of Santorum and Paul in recent polls. It may be that Americans, most of whom are perceptive people who like the truth, are beginning to see through the spin of political illusion and will demand better value for their money, and their votes - fairness overall. And in that there are lessons for us all.]]>

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I am a spiritual teacher, channel and writer with a special interest in esoteric philosophy and the world in transition, who loves nature and wildlife.  My aim is to help your human and soul journey through spiritual wisdom, spiritual connection and the raising of consciousness.


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