
The Church Synod on Women Bishops, and the Divine Feminine

November 21, 2012,
Claire Montanaro

Mother Mary, the Divine Feminine Mother Mary, the Divine Feminine[/caption] It has done itself much damage by its decision to bar women from high office, particularly since the right for women to be bishops and more will be imposed upon the Church by secular choice now, as a result. While, ironically, the majority of members, encouraged by the current and future heads, wanted a rule change and will welcome a solution from elsewhere, they will be judged to be opposed, and they will have been, all of them, greatly disempowered by this blatant and unfair dishonouring. The public will not wait another five years or so for the Church to vote again on whether to allow women bishops, it will demand action now, and rightly so. Throughout the Christian Church’s history, from its establishment, women have been barred except in a menial role, and this historic discrimination and dishonouring, an idea much abhorred by Jesus, must stop. It is not tolerated by law or principle anywhere else and there is no justification for it to be maintained because the Bible, a book of articles written not by God or Jesus but by men, says so. We live not in the past but in the present and for the future, and at the core of our present and our future is the union of the divine masculine and feminine in unconditional love. Where better can this be reflected and taught by example but in the religions and churches of the world? Perhaps the outcry over the prejudice shown by the Synod on women bishops and equality will, at last, and thankfully, bring about the Church that Jesus truly would have wanted.]]>

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I am a spiritual teacher, channel and writer with a special interest in esoteric philosophy and the world in transition, who loves nature and wildlife.  My aim is to help your human and soul journey through spiritual wisdom, spiritual connection and the raising of consciousness.

2 comments on “The Church Synod on Women Bishops, and the Divine Feminine”

  1. Biblical scholar Elaine Pagels documents how the early church fathers added books to the New Testament in support pf their own agenda, one that puts women down amongst other things,, in her book Adam, Eve, and the Serpent. She has also documented how the Gnostic Christian literature such as found in the Nag Hammadi codices has been suppressed. Funny that the latter was, too: much was said about Spirit and also the Divine Feminine. As I know from personal experience, those codices make for a very interesting read.

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