
The EU: unbelievable and unacceptable

November 1, 2012,
Claire Montanaro

So it goes now as the UK prepares to challenge the EU budget amidst political rift over sovereignty; as Greece’s debt problems worsen amidst corruption allegations and with a faltering government; as EU unemployment increases; and as other debt-ridden states face the need for more lending but with the main lenders unable, politically, to respond. The EU’s media management process has been clever at managing to present an image of calm and “business as usual” for months now, but beneath the façade of calm seas the waves have never ceased their turbulence, and they are starting to lap at the doors of the status quo forcefully. The time is coming, soon, when the doors will break open to reveal a broken past and a new, unavoidable, reality. There are many similarities with the US, which too is being forced to confront change both through the nation-changing effects of Sandy and the looming fiscal cliff which will be compounded by the costs of Sandy and political procrastination over years not just months. And, meanwhile, many people suffer desperately in the EU and in America. It is hard enough when it is through an act of nature, but when it is through political incompetence or the machinations of greed and power, then it is both unbelievable while sadly true, and also unacceptable.]]>

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I am a spiritual teacher, channel and writer with a special interest in esoteric philosophy and the world in transition, who loves nature and wildlife.  My aim is to help your human and soul journey through spiritual wisdom, spiritual connection and the raising of consciousness.

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