
The Joy of Nature in the Abundance of 2013

August 12, 2013,
Claire Montanaro

th century manor which is frozen in time: the home farm is as it was 300 years ago, still in use but a little derelict here and there, and for that reason a perfect home for rare bats, birds and mammals; while the extensive Victorian kitchen gardens lie overgrown and dormant, a secret heaven for wildlife. The formal gardens around the Big House, however, are well-maintained and beautiful, surrounded by majestic old trees planted carefully, hundreds of years ago, to encourage the views of the Wye Valley and the estate lands beyond. There was much richness to  see, even in the minutiae, and our group leader, a local wildlife expert, enthused in particular over the abundance and varieties of bees and butterflies that we saw there: he said, too, joyfully, that, perhaps because of our late cold spring, numbers were more plentiful than he could remember, and that species that were unseen last year because of the rain and cold were back in abundance. [caption id="attachment_1952" align="alignleft" width="150"]red squirrel Red Squirrel[/caption] Today a report from the Woodland Trust says that autumn will be late, but that it will bring a flourishing crop of fruits and berries such as bramble, rowan and blackthorn, benefiting fruit-eating birds and mammals hugely. It is a wonderful year for wildlife, despite a cold start, and this joy of nature, visible and audible all around us, proves once again its resilience and adaptability. The combination of weather and man does not make life easy for our planetary companions and it is right to have concern for their well-being, but in the end, nature achieves its balance very well – better, probably, than we.   [byline]  ]]>

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I am a spiritual teacher, channel and writer with a special interest in esoteric philosophy and the world in transition, who loves nature and wildlife.  My aim is to help your human and soul journey through spiritual wisdom, spiritual connection and the raising of consciousness.

One comment on “The Joy of Nature in the Abundance of 2013”

  1. Thanks for sharing, Claire! 🙂
    Nature is a wonderful teacher indeed - if only we paid closer attention to her. That is also an interesting lesson from this post, something of which we all need reminding from time to time.

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