
The Solstice, the Coming of the Light

December 21, 2012,
Claire Montanaro

The moon, sun and Earth are taking their place now, aligning ceremonially and as planned since time began with the centre of the Milky Way. The result will be an extraordinary phenomenon, when the Galaxy parts to reveal its inner core. It is a passageway, a portal through which the light of the new civilisation on Earth will be transmitted. The transmission of this new light will last for three days, and the changes associated with it, until 24th December. Three days…..the time it takes for a soul to depart a body and reach Home, to become true light once again. There is nothing to fear in these changes as the Light of Home comes back to Earth, bringing the love of God more strongly than ever before. Feel that love and be its transmitter: send it out in all you say and think and do for that is the essence of the new age – an age of love on Earth. Light a candle today and for the next three days to celebrate this great day of the Solstice and the coming of the Light. You have your part to play, and it is important. Thank you.  ]]>

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I am a spiritual teacher, channel and writer with a special interest in esoteric philosophy and the world in transition, who loves nature and wildlife.  My aim is to help your human and soul journey through spiritual wisdom, spiritual connection and the raising of consciousness.


2 comments on “The Solstice, the Coming of the Light”

  1. Even in the boondocks of downstate Illinois where, like the Deep South as mentioned in Stephen Collins Foster's nineteenth-century song 'Dixie', 'old times there are not forgotten', the pall of intolerance and hate has *finally* begun to lift. This is a direct effect of the Solstice; it's just not something that is readily discernible to almost all of the locals around here.
    What a relief! It's rather like a line from the old TV show 'Stargate Atlantis', where Dr. Rodney McKay (physicist) is getting ready to delete a planet from the Atlantean database (where problem children for Earth had been lurking - until they were eliminated, that is). Just before pressing the Delete key on his computer, he says, 'M7R 227, you are a constant pain in the ass. It's good to see you go.'
    I feel like a metaphorical Delete key has been pressed for the intolerance and hate of downstate Illinois. Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!

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