
Today's Easter Moon - the Higher Mind and Jesus

March 27, 2013,
Claire Montanaro

Every Full Moon and each of the 12 monthly moon festivals has a particular significance, and this one has as its core theme, the mind - not the chatterbox Lower Mind which distracts and confuses us into our human fears and emotions but the Higher Mind, that part of us which is wise and without ego, which enables us to be our true soul selves. It is the source too of our intuition and our ability to communicate with our spirit guides and Masters; it can link us with the Akashic Records  and indeed is part of the great Universal Mind which some call God. celticcross1It is good for many reasons to remember we have this powerful tool within each of us, but to remember it at this time of Easter is perfect: this is the time when Christians reflect upon the story of Jesus, His Crucifixion and Resurrection: what is not so much known is that during His ordeal, He was sustained by the force of the minds of His closest female disciples who, in a group somewhere else, meditated together and with such power they sustained Him and kept Him alive until he was taken down from the Cross. Perhaps you were among them. As you celebrate today's Full Moon, remember how it links, through the mind, to the Easter story, and if you choose to meditate, use your mind as a tool for good, for that is what it is. I have recorded a free guided meditation for Easter, and you can access it here if you wish.]]>

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I am a spiritual teacher, channel and writer with a special interest in esoteric philosophy and the world in transition, who loves nature and wildlife.  My aim is to help your human and soul journey through spiritual wisdom, spiritual connection and the raising of consciousness.


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