
William and Kate - and the New Consciousness

September 17, 2012,
Claire Montanaro

Often, when I hear of a prominent news story or experience something significant in my own life, I will reflect on what it means in terms of the New Consciousness and invariably so doing helps me see through the emotional overlay to get to the simple truth behind the event, and to see it in perspective. I have been observing the developing story about the intrusive taking and publishing of photos of a young woman on holiday with her husband with sympathy, and also trying to see it in terms of the bigger picture: for them there is the reminder of the pattern of global curiosity, humiliation and judgment which has dogged the life of Prince William and at least two royal generations before him, and also the challenge of dealing with it, and it is no coincidence that in the space of a few weeks both he and his brother as well as his wife have been publicly embarrassed by revelations of what was intended to be private, and which were made only because of a celebrity status due to birth and marriage. Each of us has patterns of belief, behaviour, experience and of learning, and there comes a time when our soul has had enough of it and decides to end the repetitive life template once and for all; the Principles of the New Consciousness can be of great help in moving us forward to a new and more serene way of life which will last. For William and Kate now, three of the Principles stand out as applying in particular to their situation - Acceptance, non-Judgment, and Kindliness. There are signs that acceptance in the past has been passive as the Royal Family have seemed impotent to prevent scurrilous and damaging behaviour by the media, but that now Prince William has had enough and acceptance has become active as he prepares to do all he can legally to protect his family's right to privacy. Meanwhile, the story of the taking of the infamous pictures has shocked many people who may now accept that this sort of constant judgment on any human being is wrong and unkind. If the Principles of non-Judgment and  Kindliness had been followed, the photos would never have been taken or published. Besides following the Principle of (active) Acceptance, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are demonstrating well the First Principle, which is Be Who You Are. They are refusing to change themselves or their actions as a result of a major personal and public challenge, and continue to do their best. What more can we ask of them?]]>

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I am a spiritual teacher, channel and writer with a special interest in esoteric philosophy and the world in transition, who loves nature and wildlife.  My aim is to help your human and soul journey through spiritual wisdom, spiritual connection and the raising of consciousness.

One comment on “William and Kate - and the New Consciousness”

  1. There is also the issue of being stereotyped based upon where you live and socioeconomic status, Claire. I've had my privacy invaded more than once. Most recently, it was in the apartment where I currently live. The invader was my landlord's apartment manager, who had entered my apartment without permission and who had thought it presumptuous of me to have the audacity to complain about her and her behaviour. Even the local lawyer I had managed to retain had issues with my socioeconomic status and where I live pertaining to this matter. While not covering every single detail regarding this matter, I can say that it wasn't until after I had taken some independent legal advice online and also taken advantage of such opportunities as arose to turn screws on this individual that she finally sued for peace with me and has behaved much better ever since.
    Suffice it to say that I'm glad some members of the Royal Family are also fighting back against an invasion of their privacy, albeit from a position of considerably less personal adversity than my own.

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