
12-12-12 – the Portal to the Great Solstice

December 12, 2012,
Claire Montanaro

Numerology is an important aspect of spirituality and we know little still about the significance of the combination of certain numbers, of their shape and of their sound – we just know, some of us, that certain numbers are particularly meaningful. For the past eleven years we have noticed 01-01-01 and upwards as the new century has developed, and each of the eleven annual dates has resulted in a shift of growing intensity, like a clock chiming regularly but taking its listeners, inexorably, to a long-anticipated event. 12-12-12, today, is the Spirit of the Future: it has arrived to open the portal to the Great Solstice and to remind you to begin your preparations. You have eight days before our world stops for one day and then begins its new life on 22nd December. Some people will honour the Solstice through ritual and ceremony, others will give prayers of thanks; some will meditate while others will ignore it altogether; some will be pre-occupied with Christmas events and business matters, while other still will have the awareness of this special day constantly upon them whatever they are doing, like a constant background hum. Whatever you do, or not, will have its impact as anything you do brings change, but while you may enhance the power of the Solstice you cannot lessen it. There are two points of the day of the Solstice which are remarkable, and they will be my points of special focus: one is at sunrise, as the Moon and the Sun and our Planet link, uniquely, with the Galactic Centre, and the other is in the hours to midnight, when the old cycle of the past 260 thousand years ends and the new era begins. My preparations are under way.   I will record a special guided meditation for the great Solstice and it will be available to hear and use in the Members’ Area of the website next week, for members only. Membership is free. Additionally, I will create a new Crystal Elixir as the new era is born, and it will be for the Sixth Ray of Mysticism.  ]]>

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I am a spiritual teacher, channel and writer with a special interest in esoteric philosophy and the world in transition, who loves nature and wildlife.  My aim is to help your human and soul journey through spiritual wisdom, spiritual connection and the raising of consciousness.

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