
A Harvest Moon of Choice and Wisdom

September 25, 2018,
Claire Montanaro
a reminder of our immortality.....

The way we are, the way our environment around us is, the relationships in our lives, our work, our health – all reflect the choices we have made, and we, modestly and honestly, may take all the credit, and the blame, for how it is. September’s Full Moon is the Harvest Moon too, rising within two days of the Equinox, and so more than ever this period is a reflection of the seeds we have sown and the abundance we have earned. There is no point in blaming others for our circumstances, easy and comforting though it is to do so if we have financial pressures, or if we are in pain: others may contribute, reinforcing our wish to learn sometimes hard lessons about abusive behaviour, perhaps, betrayal or rejection, but we have opted to have them in our lives for as long as we, and they, choose, and they can be our greatest teacher. We can decide, too, when a cycle of hardship becomes one of fruition, and when the reverse is needed for our learning and growth. Sometimes our human mind sets up a resistance to the intent of our soul, confusing and inhibiting the opportunities for change and growth; sometimes what we think is a choice is nothing of the sort, as we tell ourselves we will lose weight today or leave our partner tomorrow – and it never happens because the risk is too great or the present reality is preferable to the effort that is necessary. It does not matter, except to us, for that is our choice. This esoteric Libran Full Moon today with its compelling theme, “I Choose the Way” is a perfect time to ponder upon our life as it is now, a reflection of all the decisions we have made not just in this present lifetime but in all our previous lifetimes. Is it as we wish it to be? What would we like to change? How can we do it? Are there stepping stones we can find to help us achieve us choice? How is our internal world? If we harbour blame or bitterness towards certain individuals for their impact on our life, we may wish to reclaim those emotions and accept the reality that our life is as we have chosen to have it, and that they are helping us to achieve our aims, albeit uncnsciously. This is a perfect time, too, to reflect upon the state of the world as we see the beauty of the Planet, seeded by God to provide an abundant, continuously giving harvest, disfigured by cruelty and brutality in so many ways and places. The human race bears full responsibility for the abuse that is so prevalent, but the seeds of change are growing in the new light, and soon will flourish, with your help. You are needed. This Harvest Full Moon, choose your way well, consciously and wisely, and kindly too – and Spirit will help you, every step of the way.   [byline]]]>

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I am a spiritual teacher, channel and writer with a special interest in esoteric philosophy and the world in transition, who loves nature and wildlife.  My aim is to help your human and soul journey through spiritual wisdom, spiritual connection and the raising of consciousness.

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