
A non-Religious View of Good Friday

April 22, 2011,
Claire Montanaro

I was born and brought up in a non-practising Christian home and apart from religious education for a few years at school had little exposure to the teachings and beliefs of that religion.

Having moved from relative disinterest in matters of the Church to a spiritual awareness based on the Universal Laws, metaphysics, esotericism and my own understanding and memory, nonetheless the great Christian festivals move me. It may be I am sensing the thoughts and feelings of millions of people who mourn or celebrate creating a wave of emotion which is almost tangible, or it may be a part of me is remembering the experiences of the being I once was who, like you, spent lifetime after lifetime as a monk or nun or priest or worshipper.

The reasons why, inadvertently, I tap into the tide of worship at such times does not matter, but it can be helpful to ponder the deeper meaning behind the symbolism of the religious pageants as they occur. Today is Good Friday, a day for Christians to reflect on the Crucifixion, suffering and death of Jesus.  It is poignant that in our own ways and to a lesser or greater extent we are each of us experiencing our own personal crucifixion, and Gaia is too. In order to achieve the transition to a higher state of consciousness and dimensional reality which is our mission at this time, we must clear outstanding karma and place ourselves in a state of soul acceptance and actuality, and this can cause emotional conflict between mind and heart, humanity and Spirit. It can be painful, it can mean letting go of what was precious, including beliefs, stepping out into an unknown future - it does mean change without doubt. 

On this day of sorrow in the Church, you may wish to ponder upon your path to transformation and how it is developing. Above all, be joyful and proud of all you have achieved to reach this state where you are now, and look forward with confidence to all the wonders that lie ahead for you in your resurrected state.


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I am a spiritual teacher, channel and writer with a special interest in esoteric philosophy and the world in transition, who loves nature and wildlife.  My aim is to help your human and soul journey through spiritual wisdom, spiritual connection and the raising of consciousness.


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