

The Inlumino Global Spiritual Blog

Healing Schism

At this time of explosive change when anything can happen, Sunday’s Full Moon marks a dramatic challenge to us to move from self-absorption to extrospection, but without abandoning the key spiritual principle of self-acceptance.  With unworried but clear-sighted understanding of the world beyond us we can help to mend the fractures that are everywhere, even […]
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A Kingfisher's Tale

Outside my home the River Wye falls steeply into its valley, cascading noisily as it does so over great and ancient stones on the river bed, reminders of the seas and ice that once covered this land.  The river, at this point in the Upper Wye Valley is never still and always vocal as it […]
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Lessons from a Mole

For three wet days, a mole ran up and down the soggy drive looking for food and gathering nesting material, her tunnel flooded but a nest needed.  Creatures of the dark, moles only rarely emerge into the light.
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2023: a Year of Shades, Light and Hope

The sun was late to rise this morning, and it was good to see the long night penetrated, at last, by light. We would miss the sun if it were not there: where there is light there is hope, and the knowing that all is well.
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The Path to Everything

The path from my home to the world beyond winds through billowing hedgerows and ancient oak trees, past wild-bee tree hives and sleepy bat roosts until it joins a long yew hedge leading down to the lane and the great River Wye below.  Civilisation is not so far away, but it feels far distant and […]
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Solstice Song

Listen, today, for the sound of the song of the Solstice on this day of time and space and light and shadow, a betwixt and between time in every sense and a time when magic can be heard and done in the long day here and the long night there, depending on where in the […]
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Encouragement from Wild Bees

Some of you, I know, are beekeepers.  You may have honey bees which provide you with wonderful honey, or you may have wild bees that live high in a tree hive that is never touched, for their honey is theirs.  Either way you will know the joy and responsibility that comes from being the guardian […]
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A Royal Wesak

Besides his concerns for the environmental wellbeing of Earth, the new King is known for the strength of his spiritual belief, his deep sense of service and the inclusivity of his approach to all faiths and social groups.  His interest in and knowledge of the religions of the world means that he is likely to […]
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The Vernal Equinox

Monday will be a significant day as the planet celebrates her total balance in light with the celebration of the Vernal Equinox, doing so at a time of ambiguity and confusion in our world when everything by contrast seems out of balance.
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March, and the Lord of Karma

Next week’s full moon will be the prelude to a period of great events and tumultuous times, in itself a time of surprise and change and highly charged energy but dwarfed by what follows it.
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