Look around: we have seen, on Friday, a magical entertainment for the Olympics which never will be matched in my lifetime, one which evoked British pride and global respect extraordinarily. Now the Games go on – for some an anti-climax after the wonder of the Opening, for others further opportunity to admire and applaud and encourage. In the UK at least we have two weeks of immersion in the Olympic dream before reality returns.
Reality, however, has never gone away. The Olympics dominate media coverage here, but the world goes on, with events in Syria reaching a point of no return and significant statements for world peace being made about Israel and Iran; with the EU reaching another milestone of intransigence over the Euro; and Japan enmeshed in a debt mountain which is so formidable it goes largely unmentioned –the US and China having their own similar problems also.
While the world goes on, life goes on too and babies are being born and people are dying. I see it like a four directional cross, the points representing the permanence of life, and of death, the illusion of spectacle and diversion, and fourthly the march of world events to manifest God’s Plan for earth. At the centre of the cross is Spirit, holding it together for us and despite us. Seen in this way, it is all very simple, isn’t it?]]>