
Another day in Afghanistan

November 3, 2009,
Claire Montanaro

What was so shocking about the massacre of British and Afghani soldiers yesterday was that it was carried out by their comrades, people who had eaten and drunk and slept and served with them, people they trusted and mentored, and thought of as their own family.   It was the ultimate betrayal.

It is believed the killers were members of the Taliban who had infiltrated the Afghan Police.Force, and it is believed also that the level of infiltration in the security services is massive.   I wonder sometimes if the West has, terribly, misunderstood the situation and what to do about it.   The beautiful, remote, unique land of Afghanistan has been taken over, on land and by air, by invading forces. Thousands of civilians have been killed and the ancient culture and traditions of this mediaeval society challenged  as "democracy" is attempted to be imposed.  It is not surprising that there is huge resentment, bitterness and resistance, which must have been exacerbated by the increasing presence of these invading armies.

By saying this I am not condoning corruption or terrorism, but am trying to see both sides of the picture.  While trying to destroy the monster, are we, in fact, creating, perpetuating it?   Meanwhile, the good and the brave on both sides cotinue to die.

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I am a spiritual teacher, channel and writer with a special interest in esoteric philosophy and the world in transition, who loves nature and wildlife.  My aim is to help your human and soul journey through spiritual wisdom, spiritual connection and the raising of consciousness.


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