
Bill Gates versus Steve Jobs

August 26, 2010,
Claire Montanaro

Technology can be a blessing or a curse, depending on which way you look at it. It can also be an opportunity to change energy and direction in the spiritual as well as the human sense.

I would describe myself as being technical adequate to conduct my business and run my life in the modern age, but no more than that. So, when in recent weeks I realised the time had come to buy a new PC my inclination, based largely on the advice of IT "experts" was to continue with a Windows based system since it was familiar to me and the transition to an Apple could be difficult. I was told also that it would be more costly since I would need to buy all new software.

However, I did my research and was impressed by the good reviews Apple PCs received, and decided to buy an i-mac. Despite my best efforts to ensure it did not arrive when Mercury was retrograde, it was delivered yesterday, right in the middle of it and at a time also when my computer consultant was on holiday, so I was on my own in setting it up.

This is not intended to be an advertisement for Apple products, but I have been amazed by how easy it has been (so far!) to set it up and to understand how it works. Yes, it is very different, and it will take me a while to become familiar with it, but I believe I will be comfortable with it and it will serve its purpose well. The transition has been seamless and it has not involved a lot of extra expenditure on software.

The experience thus far has reminded me of the benefits of being flexible and having a sense of adventure even with technology, of following my own intuition, and the importance of not anticipating difficulties when none might arise.  Transition does not have to be painful, and changing track to embrace the unknown can bring great rewards.

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I am a spiritual teacher, channel and writer with a special interest in esoteric philosophy and the world in transition, who loves nature and wildlife.  My aim is to help your human and soul journey through spiritual wisdom, spiritual connection and the raising of consciousness.


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