With the new moon arriving on Sunday, we are in the dark of the moon now. It is a place of magic and mystery, of preparation, of secrets, of contemplation, of completion, and of confusion as we await the birth of the new cycle. These first three lunar months of this year are far more powerful and significant than usual both for each of us personally and for the human family. They are challenging us physically as well as at other levels. Furthermore, if we look at the chaotic events and indicators around us we can see the signs of change and growth pushing through the resistance and obfuscation of those who think they are in charge.
I wrote yesterday about the inevitability of massive change to the way our financial systems operate. In the UK and other countries also, the spotlight has penetrated the fallibility and inadequacy of the political systems for some time, and the need for change; we now have evidence of how political correctness relating to racial discrimination has actually allowed if not encouraged corruption within the police and probably other public bodies; a leader in the motor industry, for so long a dominant force behind global economic and environmental policy, has lost its status and reputation for safety in a few crashing days. These are just a few examples of the confusion which is bubbling up everywhere in small ways and large.
I sense this confusion, where old complex ways of being and doing are challenged and new hints of truth emerge, will continue until the Easter Full Moon on 30th March. Then, like a cat moulting for the summer, what is unwanted or not needed will drop away, leaving new growth and a clean shiny coat, beautiful and brilliant in its true glory - and far more comfortable as it absorbs the light of the sun.
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I am a spiritual teacher, channel and writer with a special interest in esoteric philosophy and the world in transition, who loves nature and wildlife. My aim is to help your human and soul journey through spiritual wisdom, spiritual connection and the raising of consciousness.