Recent days have been remarkable for the number of people I know experiencing life-changing events.
I have witnessed birth and death, seen clients and friends reborn following serious illness, trauma or accident, relationships breaking apart and decisions taken that will change lives for ever. For some of those involved, the choices were deliberate while often being courageous, but for others the choice was forced upon them because they had failed to deal with a major imperative on their human journey when they had the opportunity at an earlier time. There is no doubt that if we hide from the truth and refuse to see what is called for in the moment, Spirit will pull the rug from under our feet to ensure we progress as our souls intend, particularly at this time.
While there is choice in everything in this world, more and more I am sensing urgency in the guidance we are given, and that as the planetary transition approaches we are being encouraged to do what is necessary to be ready for it. Outstanding karma must be resolved in order to play our part and to progress ourselves, which is why, if we will not do it it voluntarily, then higher forces will show us what needs to be done. The more we are sensitive and responsive to the messages and direction which are given to help us, then the easier our path will be. If we are not, the karmic resolution will be much more painful than it need have been.
Life can be joyful, comfortable and abundant - or not! That way of living and being is available to all of us now. If change is in the air for you, please see it for what it is, which is a stepping stone into potential magnificence. In the end resistance is futile.
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I am a spiritual teacher, channel and writer with a special interest in esoteric philosophy and the world in transition, who loves nature and wildlife. My aim is to help your human and soul journey through spiritual wisdom, spiritual connection and the raising of consciousness.