
Creating Space

October 27, 2009,
Claire Montanaro

Living as I do in a beautiful, rural part of Wales, my garden has a lot of mature trees which have self-seeded naturally, blow in from the mountains and fields around the property.  Many are old now, and are so big they are crowding other trees and are in danger of falling and doing damange to the ancient stone walls beneath.

It is, for me, always a sadness when any tree has to be cut down, but sometimes in life we need to do what is unpalatable in order to achieve the greatest good, and I have realised that, for the sake of the health and balance of my garden there has to be a thinning out of the larches, and today is the day that the work begins. Shortly I will thank the ones that must go, and wish them well as their spirit moves on, as they will, and in a few weeks I will plant new trees in a better place to compensate, and to create new tree-life.

It is no coincidence that the felling starts today - the phone call came last night - , the last day of doing trance-channellings.   It was appropriate to remove this particular way of giving service from my life and work in order for new ways of working to come in, just as the trees have to come down to create space, light and life where they stood for years.  Change can be painful, but it is always good.



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I am a spiritual teacher, channel and writer with a special interest in esoteric philosophy and the world in transition, who loves nature and wildlife.  My aim is to help your human and soul journey through spiritual wisdom, spiritual connection and the raising of consciousness.


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