It is some years, I understand, since he made comments about being fascist and made quasi fascist gestures offensive to many; there is no doubt that some of his statements were clumsy and unhelpful to himself and hurtful to others, but it may be it was due to naivete and possibly poor communication skills – I do not know, and nor do many of the men and women who are judging him now. What is true is that people who know him claim he is not racist, and indeed there seems no real evidence to indicate otherwise.
Many footballers are hot-headed and get into trouble, just as you and I will have memories of times when we have learned our own hard lessons from immaturity and inexperience also: it would be hard if we were required to be punished, in normal circumstances, for an early error for the rest of our life, and so it is with Di Canio who is the centre of a storm because it is associated with the nation’s favourite sport, because of political correctness and because he is a contentious celebrity figure in the sports world. He is being judged by football fans and commentators not for his ability to do the job but on what he did in 2005, for which he was penalised at the time and the true meaning of which is unclear still.
A friend of his has said that Paolo Di Canio is not afraid to be himself rather than conform to what he is expected to be, and that his determination to be true to himself is what upsets people. If this is so, then I applaud him; in our age and culture it takes courage to do what is the future for each of us – to be ourselves even if others do not like it, without fear of criticism or mockery, or even admiration. If he continues to insist on this personal openness we will learn soon enough if he is fascist or racist, and we can decide what to do about it – be disappointed, be sorry but forgive his ignorance, ignore him, condemn him or sack him.
It seems he is good at what he does in the world of football, and so I suggest he is given a chance to prove himself on and off the pitch. Who are we to judge?
Claire Montanaro is a spiritual teacher, channel and blogger with special interest in esoteric philosophy and the world in transition. Loves nature and wildlife. Author of “Spiritual Wisdom”.]]>