
Mick and Mairead – young Souls reminding us of old Lessons

April 3, 2013,
Claire Montanaro

Mick and Mairead and their friend Paul Mosley are likely to be young souls just beginning to learn the lessons about being human. At the beginning of the soul journey we learn about our physicality, about self-control and violence, about excess and about ego – that aspect of being human which takes longest to master but which until we do so, perpetuates the cycle of reincarnation: it is only when we are free from ego that we cease the cycle of rebirth. Often, though not always, our necessary experiences of what it means to kill or be killed and to do dark deeds occur as part of the early initiations into human life, and all the signs are there of this being the case for the Philpotts. How well they learn their lessons or how far they may need to be tested again is up to them. Whenever I hear of incidents such as this involving great sadness and sometimes horror I remind myself that once I too killed and maimed, abused and dishonoured, probably in more than one lifetime, and so who am I to condemn others who are in such a tough school?  I do not condone or approve or like what they have done, but I try to understand while feeling deeply for those who suffer at their hands through their own chosen lesson-plan. Our many cycles of different human lives are about learning all there is to know about being human, good and not so good, and growing from it. You who read my words are likely to be long past the need to experience violence directly, but reminders of the teachings you have learned so long ago are being given to you as you hear the details of the failed and tragic schemes of Mick and Mairead, and Paul. They show once again the frailties and flaws of being human, and that there is a kinder way to live a life on Earth. Claire Montanaro is a spiritual teacher, channel and blogger with special interest in esoteric philosophy and the world in transition. Loves nature and wildlife. Author of “Spiritual Wisdom”.]]>

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I am a spiritual teacher, channel and writer with a special interest in esoteric philosophy and the world in transition, who loves nature and wildlife.  My aim is to help your human and soul journey through spiritual wisdom, spiritual connection and the raising of consciousness.

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