Hearing the revelations of the inquiries today made me wonder if Savile was that rare being, a lost soul? A lost soul is one that, over three successive lifetimes, does no act of kindness any time, in its human form. If the capacity to love has gone, the soul is considered “lost”, never to return to the path of the Light but destined forever to live in the Halls of Darkness. It is most unusual for this to happen but there are and have been lost souls, and the depraved, predatory nature of Savile may make him a candidate, depending on his intent.
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Jimmy Savile[/caption]
There are many examples of his generosity with money and time, but it is possible that everything he did by way of charitable work and entertainment was a cover or conduit for abuse. How genuine was he? Was any kindness done altruistically or for a darker purpose? Was he rotten through and through, or was there, somewhere, a seam of gold?
We cannot know, and his fate has been determined by himself. Whether he is a lost soul or not, the place where he is now will be uncomfortable, his celebrity status forgotten, and it will be a long time, if ever, before he returns to Earth life to try again.
Meanwhile, friends and family of Jimmy Savile will be in their own sad underworld as yet more dreadful evidence about his crimes is headline news yet again. Their world and illusions have been shattered, as have the lives of those many people whom he abused so heartlessly. There are no winners, anywhere in the Savile story but no losers either: everyone who has been touched by it can take comfort from the care of many strangers for their experience, and the wish of us all to help. A lost soul can destroy itself, but not the souls of others.
(Image by Maximilian Schonherr)