
Life is Good

September 10, 2014,
Claire Montanaro

Eirwen is a Welsh farmer who has lived in the Cambrian Mountains all his life. He has spent the summer exploring ancient woodland in search of fallen boughs and other timber he can transform into fuel for people like me, and his brown face and hands reflected the many hours he has spent with the elements. Life is goodHe is a man of few words, but we talked peacefully together about his life since I last saw him, as the logs cascaded out of his trailer. As he spoke of the wood and the weather, his work and this place, there was a reassuring sense of continuity and timelessness in the pattern of his life and in his roots going back centuries. He uses machinery for his business, but other than that he does what his father and grandfather did before him, and what his children are likely to do after him. “Life is good”, he said, and he meant it. His computer is a battered child’s school notebook that he showed me, he takes no holidays away, and being on the land, with his family and in his community, give him all his pleasure. His life is simple, but perfect for him. Talking with Eirwen was like being in another age – but it is like that often in this remote part of Wales. The confused, busy world beyond us has activity such as wars, disease and referenda that may impact us one day, and that we know are important, but for today and perhaps tomorrow, life is good. It is easy to get caught up in the brouhaha of conflict and drama to such an extent that we fail to see the truth of our own lives: that truth can be sad and one of suffering for some people, but for others there is love, friendship, and beauty all around us – but we are so preoccupied with gazing afar, we fail to see the grace that is ours. My life is  good, and I am so grateful for it - and for the reminder. Is yours, I wonder?   [byline]  ]]>

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I am a spiritual teacher, channel and writer with a special interest in esoteric philosophy and the world in transition, who loves nature and wildlife.  My aim is to help your human and soul journey through spiritual wisdom, spiritual connection and the raising of consciousness.

3 comments on “Life is Good”

  1. Yes, I worked with two gardeners down on gaunts house community several years back when i was researching communities via woofing…..lovely fellas, both retired but still working, one knew every tree/plant by its latin name & once worked for the Earl of beaufort on his estate. they remembered also when the gaunts house was 20,000 acres….now only 2,000 acres remaining. I spent several days helping remove rhododendrons from around a huge lake! they said the job would take two whole weeks… was marvellous to see the knowledge and joy they both had for their work….."I never done any yoga" one remarked " i heard yoga is supposed to calm you down" . I told them that gardening was their kind of yoga & it was meditative for them as i could see just how in the moment one of them was when he remarked about the plants & trees….Its amazing how when you get away from the distractions of city life you find these great characters ….not wanting or needing much, satisfied & content. how many people live their lives like this…….not many for sure alway wanting material things….

  2. Beautiful, Claire, thank you for sharing a glimpse of magical Wales and its guardians. That's where I'm drawn to and while my life is so very different, it is good too and I'm so very grateful. Much love x

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