In these times of concerns about defence, economics, terrorism and cyber threats, it was heartening to hear Melinda Gates, wife of Microsoft's Bill Gates, talking about the work that she and her husband do to help the poor in the most deprived parts of the world.
They have made billions of dollars, but want as much of it as possible to be spent on philanthropical causes by the time or soon after they die. They want their position on the Most Rich lists to drop significantly as their wealth diminishes, and intend for their children to make their way in the world independently, not through an inheritance from their parents.
Through their foundation, the Gates have saved thousands of lives and have changed the lives and attitudes of many communities in Africa for the better for ever. For instance, as women recognise that their children will survive to healthy adulthood, they are not feeling the need to have a lot of children but are content with just one or two. It is remarkable how far-reaching are the achievements of a focused effort to help.
There is food for thought for all of us in their example.
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I am a spiritual teacher, channel and writer with a special interest in esoteric philosophy and the world in transition, who loves nature and wildlife. My aim is to help your human and soul journey through spiritual wisdom, spiritual connection and the raising of consciousness.