
Moving Stars

January 6, 2012,
Claire Montanaro

I have a number of friends who live just to the west of me on the other side of the Cambrian Mountains in this special place of Wales. One of them, unexpectedly, called me last night to say she was witnessing a procession of moving stars.

Together, she at her back door and me sitting by my fire, we shared the experience through a telephone link and vision - hers literal, mine more sub-conscious. In a clear sky over a period of about fifteen minutes some thirty star-like objects moved in clusters of threes and fours slowly but deliberately across a clear night sky from right to left, in a studied formation. They were not shooting stars and were not stars as we know them, so I will call them unidentified flying objects: they were taking up position.

There was nothing fearful about this experience, indeed it felt reassuring and benevolent, protective. I have long believed that UFOs exist in the literal sense, and that there are many living objects all around our planet and far beyond which the limitations of our third dimensional minds prevent us from seeing or understanding. With acceptance and an open mind to the limitlessness of experience, there can be visual contact and more; my friend has both which may be why she was blessed with a gift last night which awed her.

As the veils thin there will be more such opportunities to see and know the wonders of our universe, including moving stars. I saw no such stars last night, but will watch and wait for my own reminders of extra-terrestrial life. It was wonderful to experience it vicariously, and the image lingers still.


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I am a spiritual teacher, channel and writer with a special interest in esoteric philosophy and the world in transition, who loves nature and wildlife.  My aim is to help your human and soul journey through spiritual wisdom, spiritual connection and the raising of consciousness.


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