
North Korea and the First Ray

December 20, 2011,
Claire Montanaro

The death of Kim Jong-il, leader and demigod of North Korea for so long, reminds us of the extent to which that country and indeed that family have been dominated by the influence of the First Ray, the Ray of Power - to extremes.

The spiritual and temporal relevance of the seven great cosmic Rays on affairs on Earth as She moves purposefully towards completing Her part in the Plan of God demonstrates itself increasingly to those who watch like me, awed by the perfect synchronicity of world events and the signs of divine blessing everywhere. The departure of the Korean leader and the renewed interest in his country highlights the ruthlessness and rigidity, the aggression and the absolutism, the despotism and the arrogance, the cruelty and the abuses that the leader, following in the steps of his father, imposed on his people and land, governed by the most negative aspects of the First Ray.

His son and heir Kim Jong-un, schooled by his father to be the new Korean god (even to the extent of having plastic surgery to enhance his resemblance to his venerated grandfather) has a challenging choice, either to continue the old regime of absolute power or to begin to use power wisely and kindly, thus turning the First Ray into a tool of positivity rather than negativity. All the Rays can be used for good or will, and each of them is there to help us strengthen and change frailties into strengths: now is the opportunity for North Korea, and its leader-family, to learn and show how this works in practice. It may be painful and concerning to those who observe, and temporarily destabilising, but it will happen, and it will help us all - and for that we will be grateful.


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I am a spiritual teacher, channel and writer with a special interest in esoteric philosophy and the world in transition, who loves nature and wildlife.  My aim is to help your human and soul journey through spiritual wisdom, spiritual connection and the raising of consciousness.


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