I have been startled recently (perhaps I am a slow learner!) to learn that the inter-dimensional beings which support us on our human journey can in themselves undertake a process of ascension, separate from us in their own right but also as a part of us and what we ourselves are experiencing.
So, a power animal, for example, can change almost overnight from presenting itself to us as a familiar bird or animal to a being clearly of animal Mastery and magnificence while still connected to its original animal group. It is a great honour if you are allowed to witness this transition, and indeed if your ascended animal totem chooses then to remain with you.Because all animals have souls, third dimensional or otherwise, they evolve as we do on their own journey and their growing light is visible if we care to look. Few people take the time to do so in our human world, and indeed the reality and importance of our power animals, our spiritual guardians and protectors from the world of nature, is little known or used beyond the shamanic community.
Power animals may change over periodically to reflect our evolving state - though some stay with us forever -, but while they are a part of our life they are a part of us, and what we do affects them also. This is why we attract the animal we deserve and why our power animal is a reflection of us.
If you can, do not forget one of the greatest spiritual gifts you have: know it, love it, and value it wisely.
If you decide you wish to know what your power animal is, ask it to show itself to you, and observe what happens. If you see a programme on television about elephants, and an advertisement using an elephant on a bus, and see a child reading a book about an elephant story, all in a short space of time, it is likely the elephant is your power animal. If you are not sure, ask it to confirm your thinking or otherwise, and it will. If you still are unsure, then a shaman can help - and there are more of them around than you may imagine!
I write in detail about power animals and the role of animals generally in my book, Spiritual Wisdom, and information about our shamanic services can be found here.
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I am a spiritual teacher, channel and writer with a special interest in esoteric philosophy and the world in transition, who loves nature and wildlife. My aim is to help your human and soul journey through spiritual wisdom, spiritual connection and the raising of consciousness.