
Red Squirrels Proving the Resilience of Nature

November 25, 2013,
Claire Montanaro

Good news on wildlife is scarce these days, and so to learn about the survival and recovery of the red squirrel population in the UK is heartening. It is more than just about red squirrels, however, – the scientific conclusions have implications for all of nature. There has been concern for many years about the threat to the native red squirrel from the non-native but prolific grey squirrel which took over the habitats and food supplies of their smaller, gentler brothers. Not only did they drive the red squirrels away, they transmitted to them also a pox that was harmless to the grey squirrels but deadly to the reds, and so these much loved creatures saw a dramatic decline in red squirrelnumber to such a degree that special conservation areas were set up to prevent their extinction. They have been successful on the whole, but the scheme depended upon the removal of all grey squirrels from the locations identified, as far as possible. Contact between the squirrels could not be prevented everywhere, and five years ago it was discovered that the pox had spread and killed 80% of the already small population of red squirrels. Scientific monitoring continued, and it is wonderful to learn that there is clear evidence that red squirrels at the Formby Nature Reserve have developed a resistance to the pox, living healthily in the woods despite exposure to what before would have been unsurvivable. The news comes as the latest example of how nature adapts to external threats: viruses, predators, weather changes, climate change and loss of habitat all have placed great strain on many species; some of these factors the wildlife can do nothing about, but it is remarkable how, for example, certain butterflies have adapted to new conditions within a few generations, and how birds have altered their migration patterns quite markedly to allow for warmer, wetter seasons. grey squirrelNature is resilient and nature wants to survive. Just as man has adapted to changing worlds over millennia, so too have the plants and creatures of the planet, and they will continue so to do – if we do not get in their way. It would be so sad if, despite the efforts of nature, it was the human race that brought about the end of those lives which make our planet so beautiful, and which support us so well. Certain people put their own survival above anything else, not seeing that, ultimately, they cannot live without the infrastructure of a thriving, healthy, balanced environment. How ironic it would be to  precipitate the demise of what is best in our world, only to find we have destroyed ourselves as well. It need not happen, and perhaps the good news story about our red squirrels will encourage greater awareness of what is so important, for us all.   [byline]  ]]>

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I am a spiritual teacher, channel and writer with a special interest in esoteric philosophy and the world in transition, who loves nature and wildlife.  My aim is to help your human and soul journey through spiritual wisdom, spiritual connection and the raising of consciousness.


2 comments on “Red Squirrels Proving the Resilience of Nature”

  1. It's nice to see this good news, especially as you say it is not too often to have good news about nature these days.
    I just read about the late and straggling arrival of the Monarch butterflies on their massive migration from the North to Mexico....only a small percentage arrived, and the migration may not be sustainable now as it takes several life cycles. Toxic herbicides like Roundup were mentioned, and general starvation due to loss of native plants, a golf-course approach to lawns and other green spaces around humans.
    Perhaps IF given enough of a chance, there is still hope for the Monarch butterfly, and all the other less visible interconnected plants and species part of their ecosystem.

    1. Thank you Anita. It is sad to hear about the monarch butterflies, and it may be the reduction in their numbers is too much to make survival possible in the long run, hopefully not. Some species will go, but I believe others will adapt well and new ones will come in too. You are right, humans are more to blame than climate change.

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