The anticipation of 2012 and the earth changes associated with it are causing some people to wonder, with just over a year to go, if it is worthwhile beginning long term projects or whether they should put their lives on hold until "it" is over.
My approach is simple, and it is that life goes on. Rather than waiting perhaps nervously for the next big event to occur, It is important to make the most of every moment and to enjoy what we have in a spirit of positivity and trust. Throughout time unexpected events have occurred which have been disconcerting, life-changing, disastrous or miraculous: some have been on a major scale like an asteroid impact on earth, some have been more personal, but either way whatever has happened has been part of the Plan of God as shaped by human choice. So it is still, and what we do and how we live now will determine how and how far the future will unfold for each of us.
Our planet is going through her metamorphosis and we are part of it, which is why it is such an honour and gift to be alive now. We have seen physical evidence of this already in fires, floods and earthquakes and there will be more - and yes, some people will die. Like childbirth, there must be pain to help us appreciate what comes from it. Each death resulting from this process has a karmic and higher purpose, and every soul will fly.
I try not to make too many plans so that I do not limit myself by expectation, and to enable my life to be as much of an adventure, a step into the unknown, as it possibly can be. This weekend, however, I am planning ahead by preparing vegetable beds in my greenhouse and kitchen garden in a way that will take years to develop and come to fruition. I believe they will be there, filled with abundance, in 2016 and beyond, and that I will too. There really is nothing to fear.
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I am a spiritual teacher, channel and writer with a special interest in esoteric philosophy and the world in transition, who loves nature and wildlife. My aim is to help your human and soul journey through spiritual wisdom, spiritual connection and the raising of consciousness.