
The Choice between Autocracy and Democracy at the Brussels Summit

December 8, 2011,
Claire Montanaro

The underlying dilemma confronting European leaders is more fundamental than resolving a debt crisis: it is about how far the EU is a true community founded on values of altruism and mutual co-operation, or a quasi-dictatorship of absolute rule.

The choice between autocracy and democracy became apparent publicly in the way that the fiscal difficulties of Greece and Italy were managed, principally and oppressively by Merkel of Germany and Sarkozi of France along with a few powerful bureaucrats. As the heads of state gather in Brussels for a pivotal summit meeting today, it is clear that there is a similar intention to impose their preferred solution upon the EU members, whatever the impact upon them, based on closer integration and economic union at whatever cost to sovereignty.

Already, some of the smaller countries are suffering the effects of the Eurozone crisis through rocketing interest rates and economic stagnation and they want, as much as any of the 27 members, to see a resolution of the situation and monetary stability restored. However, it is becoming clear that there is unhappiness among some leaders at the likely loss of sovereignty if their key decision-making powers were removed from them, justifiably so, and there is a growing resistance to what has been proposed so far.

It is no coincidence that now Russians are protesting vocally at the abuse of their democratic rights, the latest in a year of revolution in the name of democracy. The "little man" has had enough, and similarly the smaller EU members have had enough of being told what to do. So, while, hopefully, all those present at the Summit will be focused on what is best for Europe and the world, it may be even more difficult than thought to achieve the solution that France and Germany, countries which were instrumental in creating the present problems, wish to see.

The consolidation of power to a few main players is not part of a true community ethos, based on respect and the wish to help each other. Meanwhile, none of the many summits that have been held to resolve the Eurozone crisis have succeeded, perhaps for this reason, and I suspect this one will fail too whatever gloss is put upon it. The unravelling that will follow will be  perfect for helping to create the new community which will come from it, one of simplicity and shared values, and one of humanity.


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I am a spiritual teacher, channel and writer with a special interest in esoteric philosophy and the world in transition, who loves nature and wildlife.  My aim is to help your human and soul journey through spiritual wisdom, spiritual connection and the raising of consciousness.


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