
The Full Moon Today, and the Importance of Shedding Burdens

August 21, 2013,
Claire Montanaro

Like so many of the astrological features of 2013, the power of the full moon is extraordinary, still at her peak as I write. She is an uneasy moon, reflecting the burdens of the Planet and spotlighting, in her brightness, the realities that hide behind the layers of human illusion; she shows us ourselves, and guides us forward away from our past but aware of what that past was for: you, and I, are, in our present entirety the result of every moment of all our past. full moonToday, too, is an opportunity to review the burdens we carry from that past, for the cycle just ending has put much load upon us, collectively and personally. If you will, consider, gently, what concerns you have that belong to others, or which are unnecessary, self-imposed or imaginary. Where a responsibility is real but burdensome, consider how it can be made a pleasure, or, at least, a little lighter. Let this day be one of lightness, a reflection of the brilliance and wisdom of Mother Moon, and it may you choose to make each full moon to come a celebration too of past, present and future, and indeed of Light.   [byline]  ]]>

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I am a spiritual teacher, channel and writer with a special interest in esoteric philosophy and the world in transition, who loves nature and wildlife.  My aim is to help your human and soul journey through spiritual wisdom, spiritual connection and the raising of consciousness.


2 comments on “The Full Moon Today, and the Importance of Shedding Burdens”

  1. The simplicity of it all is Awe Inspiring . Mother Gaia will soon ascend into her correct position with the rest of the Universe and we are ALL part of that ascension as well . We are truly blessed to be a part of this ascension . Being connected to Omnipresence make it so . Be and stay strong for the unconditional love that you are Ms Claire .

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