The gift of dreams is our way to soar beyond the bounds of consciousness effortlessly.
It is free, this gift, available whenever we close our eyes, and dreaming sleep can take us magically through the Veil of Oblivion to places of symbolic mysticism where we may encounter scenes and beings of personal significance and magic. It is the conduit to great spiritual teachers and learning and through the gift of dreams we may re-live our past and see our future, relieve human anxiety and complete what is unfinished. Dreams are places of joy or reminders of our fears, and above all they are the bearers of messages - from ourselves to ourselves, from departed loved ones and from God.Our dreams sometimes are so deep we do not remember them on waking, but that does not mean they have not happened. The only time our dreams are suppressed or distorted is if we are clouded by drink or drugs: to inhibit the dreaming process by these means regularly is damaging not just to our physicality but to our spirituality, for it perpetuates our separation, but that is part of our human choice and so is not to be judged.
Imagine how your life would be without the gift of dreams. Mine would be the poorer, for while they may not be comfortable or enjoyable or even memorable sometimes, I know they have a purpose, and it is always for my greatest good.
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I am a spiritual teacher, channel and writer with a special interest in esoteric philosophy and the world in transition, who loves nature and wildlife. My aim is to help your human and soul journey through spiritual wisdom, spiritual connection and the raising of consciousness.