
The Grand Cross and the New Moon

August 9, 2010,
Claire Montanaro

The intense energies of recent days and weeks are beginning to soften as the impact of Saturday's Cardinal Grand Cross begins to be realised. You may be feeling the change already.

In the build up to the Grand Cross I encouraged you to consider creating your template for your future, setting intents without limitation which will determine what lies ahead for you in this lifetime and beyond. What you and others like you decided to do in this regard will affect far more than just your life: it will affect Gaia, of which we are its guardians, and our solar system, at the very least. The responsibility is tremendous but also exciting, and it is such an honour to be instrumental in manifesting a crucial aspect of the Plan of God.  Everything is in place now for this to be achieved, and the Plan proceeds perfectly.

The next twenty four hours will be a critical part of the completion of this phase of the human and planetary journey as we await and then experience the New Moon in the early hours of tomorrow morning. New moons represent, always, new beginnings and new cycles but this one is significant for far more than that. It is about allowing what you have created in your heart to begin to manifest easily and spontaneously, coming forward in its own way and its own time without pressure or expectation from you. This time is about being receptive and responsive, also gentle and loving if you can.

The cosmic portal that has opened will accelerate time and raise the collective and individual consciousness in a way that has never been known before in human history. Its keynote is Love. Let us remember that, and let us epitomise it in any and every way possible, and always with good intent.


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I am a spiritual teacher, channel and writer with a special interest in esoteric philosophy and the world in transition, who loves nature and wildlife.  My aim is to help your human and soul journey through spiritual wisdom, spiritual connection and the raising of consciousness.


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