
The Law of Attraction - The Power to Influence the Weather

January 16, 2013,
Claire Montanaro

This Universal Law decrees that our intent, attitude and  emotions create our reality: it is all about the power of thought. If we see life negatively then that is how it will be, just as if we live with trust, acceptance and kindness and without fear, then our human path will, relatively, be smooth. I know this to be a fundamental truth of being human. I remembered this Law today as I heard once again the repeated mantra that this winter would be "brutal", some saying it would be the harshest for 25 years. It was a story that was headline news and which lingers still as a fear and an expectation, and now that here in the UK, as winter is halfway through, we have some snow and ice for a short while there is almost relief that at last what we were promised is here, albeit minus the ferocity. I wonder how far this spell of adverse weather was created through the Law of Attraction? If the anticipation had been of natural wintry balance in a spirit of acceptance, how different would it be? the beauty of winterOur nearest neighbour, who happens to be a farmer, said to me once as snow and ice bound the Welsh hills around us, that all weather was as nature intended with blessings in all that came, and that it was folly to fear or fight it. He was right. He follows the rhythm of the seasons with equanimity, and his life is peaceful. The Law of Attraction has given him the tranquility he deserves. Imagine how it would be if all of us adopted his philosophy. Imagine, too, how it would be if world events were viewed without exaggeration or the expectation of disaster, if the arrest yesterday of the Pakistani Minister on corruption charges were seen as an opportunity not a potential world problem, if our global indebtedness was viewed as a chance to simplify and begin afresh, if we saw issues in our own lives as gifts to help us grow. The Law of Attraction exists as a tool to help us, it is just so often we forget it is there.   Information about all the Universal Laws can found here. Claire Montanaro is a spiritual teacher, channel and blogger with special interest in esoteric philosophy and the world in transition. Loves nature and wildlife. Author of “Spiritual Wisdom”.]]>

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I am a spiritual teacher, channel and writer with a special interest in esoteric philosophy and the world in transition, who loves nature and wildlife.  My aim is to help your human and soul journey through spiritual wisdom, spiritual connection and the raising of consciousness.

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