
The Oklahoma Tornado: Endings and Beginnings

May 22, 2013,
Claire Montanaro

It is not a time for analysis, however, nor for objective commentary: it is a time for heart, speaking and feeling with empathy and love for a shattered community, remembering that it is not just people who suffer there but that pets and animals and trees and grass and birds died in the tornado too, and that even the buildings that were destroyed had life and energy which now is gone. heron by pondThis is a time of endings and beginnings, and while many of you may be experiencing this in your own life, it is unlikely to be as dramatically as the inhabitants of Moore, Oklahoma, whose world will never be the same again. I know you think of them with compassion while feeling, perhaps, disbelief that such an event could happen. It could, it did, and it or its equivalent could occur again, and not just in America. Whether I am right or not on this, there is nothing to fear and nothing to expect: like the community of Moore, take every day as it comes. Claire Montanaro is a spiritual teacher, channel and blogger. Loves nature and wildlife. Author of Spiritual Wisdom.]]>

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I am a spiritual teacher, channel and writer with a special interest in esoteric philosophy and the world in transition, who loves nature and wildlife.  My aim is to help your human and soul journey through spiritual wisdom, spiritual connection and the raising of consciousness.

2 comments on “The Oklahoma Tornado: Endings and Beginnings”

    1. There was much sadness in Britain for the American people over this and the other tragedies which have come to you recently - and it is comforting when you do the same for us.Thank you.

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