
The Pisces Full Moon: Duality becoming Oneness

March 18, 2011,
Claire Montanaro

The weekend that is almost upon us is an eventful one, encompassing as it does the full moon and the vernal equinox.

More and more I am made aware of how, at the time of the full moon, cycles are coming to a close visibly both personally and globally, making way for new ones. For me, today marks the last day of the building work in my home, perfect completion, and more widely world events are about to move to a new phase.

This full moon is in Pisces, and represents the coming together in union of spirit and matter, soul and personality. It is about healing and forgiveness, duality made one. It is very important

It is no coincidence that a number of highly evolved and beautiful souls are coming together for a weekend workshop with me at this time. Whenever a group of well-intentioned and loving people come together they can create miracles for the world and work wonders. Groups can exist energetically as well as physically, and so please remember that you too are part of a special group and that through your connectedness and who you are, you achieve so much, often without knowing consciously that you are so doing. (Because I will be teaching until Monday afternoon, I am unlikely to be able to write my blog until this work is done.)


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I am a spiritual teacher, channel and writer with a special interest in esoteric philosophy and the world in transition, who loves nature and wildlife.  My aim is to help your human and soul journey through spiritual wisdom, spiritual connection and the raising of consciousness.


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